Conversation with Artistic Director Matthew Glandorf Ahead of the 2018-2019 Season of "NARRATIVES" 1. What is your guiding principal when putting together a season's repertoire and what common theme did you choose for this Sixths season of the Bach@7 series?
MG: In general, when planning Bach@7 programs, rather than only resorting to exploring the music of Bach and his contemporaries, I prefer to look to other centuries and find works that share a similar theme. For example, this season we will be visiting the earliest examples of the oratorio that developed in Rome in the 17th century – all the way to the 21st century, with a newly commissioned work that shares the same theme as Bach Cantata BWV 125.
By Geoffrey Burgess, musicologist, researcher and Baroque oboist, member of Kleine Kammermusik
Ahead of the Bach@7 series program on May 16, 2018: Counterpoint from Bach to Zelenka What does cross stitch and embroidery have to do with Baroque music? During the breaks in our rehearsal schedule, the ladies of Kleine Kammermusik —Stephanie, Meg, and Becca — all enjoy taking out their crafts: knitting, embroidery, hand-made satchels for instruments, and scarves for the winter. Personal Recollection of Michael Korn (1947-1991), by Janice Bryson Ahead of our celebration of the legacy of Michael Korn on March 23, 2018. Korn, the innovative Philadelphia musician, organ virtuoso and choral conductor, is the founder of the Philadelphia Bach Festival, Philadelphia Singers, as well as the national non-profit association Chorus America. Learn more about him here. We invite you to share your own comments and memories of Michael Korn below in the comments section!